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Do I Need a Medical Cleaning Service?

Do I Need a Medical Cleaning Service?

Medical offices are designated areas where doctors and nurses help people with medical and other health-related needs. No matter what type of medical office it is, chances are there are germs and other bacteria found there. With so many different patients coming and going, there are bound to be different germs spread throughout. Many medical offices will debate if they need a medical cleaning service to take care of the cleaning of their business. No one would want to go to a doctor’s office that is less than clean. That is why you need a professional medical cleaning service that can get the job done right. 

InterKleen provides the best medical cleaning services in all of South Florida. That is why we want to help show you why a medical cleaning service for your doctor’s office. 


Choose The Right Medical Cleaning Company

Before you choose a cleaning company, you need to make sure you choose one that knows what they are doing. When you clean a medical office, there are a number of different guidelines and rules that need to be followed. Here are some important points to think about.


Proper Permits For Medical Office Cleaning

Companies that offer medical office cleaning services must have a valid business license, but they also need the correct permits to conduct proper cleanings in certain states. 

Cleaning experts also need certifications to show they have the knowledge and expertise to conduct a true medical-grade cleaning. The International Janitorial Cleaning Services Association (IJCSA) is an organization that provides the proper certifications needed to meet the proper cleaning standards. This includes proper guidelines for cleaning hazardous materials that could be found in a medical office. 


Removing Hazardous Materials

Medical offices handle a number of different hazardous materials which need to be disposed of properly. InterKleen knows how to handle these materials and will make sure they are removed the proper way. There are a number of containers that need to be used to get rid of needles and other sharp objects. Make sure the cleaning company you hire knows how to handle such materials. Having the proper knowledge of these containers is key to proper medical cleaning.


Following Offical Guidelines

Even if a cleaning service doesn’t have the different permits needed for medical cleanings, they should at least be aware of the guidelines set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). These guidelines give the best practices in order to contain bacteria and germs. 

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) also provides advice on how a medical environment should be cleaned. Reputable medical office cleaning services will follow these different guidelines to provide a true medical cleaning. 


Use Proper EPA-Approved Cleaning Products

To ensure cleaning is handled correctly and is conducted legally, a cleaning service should use the proper commercial cleaning supplies. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for regulating cleaning products that kill bacteria and disinfectants that destroy viruses. EPA-registered products will have directions on how to properly use these products effectively. 


Get Medical Cleaning Services Today!

If you own or operate a medical office in South Florida, you need a professional medical cleaning service. Having this service will ensure that your medical building is properly cleaned and sanitized. This is the best way to show your patients that you care about their surroundings and their health. Contact us today if you need help keeping your doctor’s office clean. 

Here Are The Dirtiest Places in Your Office

You’re probably already aware of areas such as your keyboard and desk that may be dirty or crawling with germs. What you didn’t know is there are a lot more areas in your office that are bacteria hotspots. These hotspots are breeding grounds for new illnesses, and if they aren’t handled correctly, there could be an outbreak in your office. If you don’t have the proper professional help, you could be in danger. InterKleen offers professional office cleaning that will leave your entire office clean and sanitized. 

Here are some of the dirtiest places in your office to look out for.


The printer and/or copier is one of the most germ-ridden places in the entire office. This is a place where most people in the office will go to receive various papers, and to do so they will click different buttons. These buttons and surfaces on and around the printer will attract a lot of different germs. This is an important area to clean and disinfect on a daily basis. 

The Coffee Pot

One study found that an office’s coffee pot handle can contain over 108 thousand CFU per square inch – 99% of which were gram-negative rods, a type of bacteria that is resistant to antibiotics. This makes coffee pot handles even more germ-infested than an office door handle.

Elevator Buttons

This one shouldn’t come as a shock, given the number of times we’ve all heard “lick the elevator buttons” (which no one should ever do). One experiment conducted at over three hospitals found that 61% of the 120 elevator buttons that were tested showed microbiological growth. This is a dangerous hot spot that needs to be taken care of due to the number of people that will press elevator buttons each day. InterKleen can help make sure that your elevator buttons, and office, stay clean and sanitized.


It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that our keyboard and mouse are most likely dirty and covered in different germs. But what about the actual desk itself? Well, it turns out that the average office desk will contain over 10 million instances of bacteria. 

Vending Machine Buttons

This is another area that people may not think of as a germ hotspot, but given the number of people that push those buttons, it’ll start to add up. Vending machine buttons are extremely dirty and contain millions of different germs. Most people who end up getting something from the vending machine will start eating or drinking whatever it was before washing their hands. It’s important to make sure areas like this stay clean and sanitized.

Want to Keep Your Office Clean?

As you can see, there are a lot of places in your office that are dirtier than you may think. Some spots will have more germs than what you would find in a school bathroom. No one wants that. Contact the cleaning experts at InterKleen today to get the office cleaning you need. 

6 Reasons to Hire a Professional Medical Cleaning Service

6 Reasons to Hire a Professional Medical Cleaning Service

It’s no mystery that medical offices will see a lot of patients with different illnesses. This means that each patient room needs to be sanitized, public spaces disinfected, and high contact surfaces wiped off. A professional medical cleaning service can make sure this is done and bring peace of mind to the doctors, patients, and staff in the office. 

Given the nature of medical offices and facilities, it’s extremely important to make sure each space is thoroughly cleaned. This has to be done in order to prevent the spread of diseases. Below, you’ll find 7 reasons why you need to hire a professional medical cleaning service. 

Expert Cleaning Staff

Professional medical cleaning services will have expert personnel trained in dealing with infection control and cleaning. They’ll know how to properly sanitize a room and the equipment to help prevent the spread of germs and bacteria. They will also know how to properly deal with medical waste.

Save Money

Outsourcing your medical cleaning to a professional team will save you money in the long run. These services already have the proper tools, skills, and equipment to get the job done right. This will save you money on things such as training, cleaning supplies, and equipment maintenance. 

Boost Your Reputation

How your medical office appears and feels will go a long way with your patients. Hiring a professional medical cleaning service will bring a great boost to your office’s reputation, especially if you choose a highly rated one. Hygiene and customer satisfaction are important and a clean medical office will help with that. 

Lower Chances of Infections

Not properly sanitizing and cleaning a waiting room or a patient’s room can lead to an increased chance of an infection spreading. Having your office professionally cleaned will result in fewer call-outs from staff and fewer complaints from patients.

Meet Regulations

Professional medical cleaning services will all be familiar with the cleaning regulations for each state and their local regulations. They can make sure that everything cleaned is done correctly and meets the correct standards. This can actually help with your Medicare or Medicaid reimbursements.

Increase Productivity

Time is money and not having a cleaning service will leave the task up to the nurses and other staff members. This takes them away from their usual duties. 

Hire The Best Professional Medical Cleaning Service in South Florida

Hiring a professional medical cleaning service is essential for any healthcare provider. They will make sure that your medical office or facility is cleaned and sanitized the right way. This will make not only the staff members feel better, but also the patients. Visit our contact page today if you’re ready to hire a professional medical cleaning service today

Choosing a Reputable Cleaning Service

Choosing a Reputable Cleaning Service

Companies all around the country have begun to reopen which means there is a need for a reputable cleaning service that can professionally clean and disinfect an area. This is mainly because lots of businesses have been closed for some time and need to have a good reset. A reputable cleaning service will be able to do just that. 

Many companies will rush to choose a cleaning service without doing much research. This can lead to hiring a company that doesn’t do a proper job and leaves areas messy and infected with germs and bacteria. InterKleen can give you the cleaning you and your property deserve. We’re your reputable South Florida cleaning service. Here’s how you can tell if a company is reputable or not. 

Reviews and Recommendations

The easiest and most reliable way to know if a cleaning service is reputable or not is by asking friends, acquaintances, and family members for suggestions. Reading these reviews on Google, Yellow Pages, and local media will give you a good idea of what to expect. You should always look for at least 2  to 3 reviews or recommendations before deciding.

Check The Background

Before choosing a cleaning service, make sure that you check the company’s background to see if they are in good standing. See if they have any connections or affiliations with professional organizations in the cleaning industry. If possible, contact other companies that use their services and see what they have to say.

Read the Contract

Cleaning companies will often present a contract before cleaning. Before signing, make sure to read the agreement thoroughly to ensure that you’re getting exactly what you need from them. Make sure that there are clauses mentioned for liability for property damage, late usefulness, and other things you may need.

Call for Prices

Many reputable cleaning services will offer free estimates for how much it will be to clean your property. Call around three or more cleaning services and see what they can offer. Doing this will give you a good idea of what you should be paying and if some companies are offering more compared to others. 

Your South Florida Reputable Cleaning Service

Stop looking for a cleaning service, and choose Inter Kleen, your reputable cleaning service in South Florida. We’ve helped countless organizations in South Florida clean and disinfect their property and we want to do the same for you. Contact us today for a reputable cleaning service you’ll love. 

What to Look for When Hiring a Condo Cleaning Service

It’s no mystery that a large portion of the population lives in cities. People living in condominiums better known as condos. Condos are comfortable places to live however the people living in them often have busy lives, leaving them no time to clean their condos. Cleaning a condo can be a time-consuming task that can take a majority of your weekend time to do. Luckily, there are a number of cleaning services that offer condo cleaning. Cleaning companies often do an amazing job of cleaning meaning you usually get your money’s worth. The tricky part is finding the right cleaning company that provides condo cleaning services. 

InterKleen provides premium condo cleaning services and we want to help you make sure you’re choosing the right cleaning service. 

Check Their Services

Before hiring a cleaning service, make sure to check what services they offer. It also helps to ask for their prices so you can compare them to other companies in the area. Some companies will offer a plentiful amount of services while some will only focus on certain areas. Certain companies may specialize only in condo cleaning services.

Look at Reviews

Make sure to check a company’s reviews and see what past customers have to say about their service. For the best condo cleaning service, it is wise to look for a good ratio of positive reviews. Doing your research can save you from getting poor service. 

Check What Products They Use

Before hiring a service, ask what products and equipment they use when cleaning. This can prevent unnecessary allergic reactions and protect animals if you have them. As an example, some companies will use natural cleaners instead of chemical ones. If you have skin allergies or pets, it’s wise to ask about this. 

Honesty and Sincerity

It’s always good to choose a company that is honest about its services and reviews and not one that tries to shove its service down your throat. If a company constantly tries to add on additional services, it is wise to move on to another company.


Asking for a free estimate is a good way to gauge how honest and sincere a company is. This can allow you to compare different prices from different companies.

Experience Level

Experience is essential to having a good cleaning. This is important since condos can often have cleaning requirements and being familiar with these can go a long way.

Get Your Condo Cleaned Today

If you’re looking for a trustworthy condo cleaning service, look no further than InterKleen. Our premium condo cleaning services will have your condo looking brand new. Visit our contact page to schedule a cleaning appointment today. 

How To Ensure a Clean and Safe Rental Property

Being a property owner you know the challenges of keeping it clean. It’s more important now than ever to keep your property clean and sanitized for not only appearance but for the safety of your tenants and guests. 

Renting a property means it’s your responsibility to keep your area clean. That includes the hallways, lobbies, staircases, and elevators, among other areas. InterKleen knows exactly what has to be done to do this.

Create a Daily Cleaning Routine

Properly cleaning your shared areas will play a big role in keeping the environment clean and safe for you and your tenants. The first big step in keeping your property clean is a daily cleaning checklist. It should include the following:

  • Clear common areas of all garbage
  • Clean the lobby, halls, elevators, and stairwells. Make sure any carpet is vacuumed. 
  • Sweep and mop all corridors and stairwells.
  • Wash and wipe all glass surfaces.


Step Up Your Weekly Cleanings

A daily cleaning schedule helps keep things maintained but you’ll also need to have a weekly deep cleaning that gets the more complicated areas. This will make sure that each section of your property is clean and safe.

If you’re finding yourself too busy to clean on weekends or after the workday, hiring a commercial cleaning company can make sure everything gets done with precision. 

Here are a few things to do on your weekly deep clean checklist:

  • Keep a dust-free environment
  • Clean all windows and mirrors
  • Dust all furniture and equipment
  • Maintain bathrooms. This includes sinks, toilets, and mirrors
  • Wipe the baseboards, floors, and glass surfaces
  • Sweep and mop the hallways and stairwells
  • Vacuum carpets
  • Clean each entrance door
  • Remove trash from the common areas

This is just a sample of what to do and it can vary depending on the different amenities at your property.

Deep Clean Each Month

Having a daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning routine can be a lot. However, it is necessary in order to keep the property safe and clean for everyone inside. A commercial cleaning company can help take care of the monthly deep cleaning every month. A cleaning company can save you time and money each month.

A typical deep cleaning checklist will include:

  • Deep cleaning all carpets and areas with heavy traffic
  • Deep cleaning all hard floor surfaces
  • Cleaning and wiping all glass surfaces
  • Deep cleaning all toilets
  • Deep cleaning all kitchen areas
  • Deep cleaning all entrance and exits
  • Deep cleaning all electrical fixtures and air vents
  • Deep cleaning all hallways and stairways

Again, this list can vary depending on the different rooms and amenities of your property.

Have Your Rental Property Taken Care Of

Cleaning and maintaining your property takes a lot of work, especially from one person. InterKleen wants to help you take care of this cleaning. Our commercial cleaning services can make sure your property is deep cleaned each week or month. If you have any questions or need assistance cleaning your property, head over to our contact page to get started.

The Importance of a Clean Workplace for all Businesses

Just because a business has been established and constructed, doesn’t mean that’s the end of it. The responsibilities only increase once the company is in service and one of the responsibilities of a business owner is making sure their employees have a clean workplace to work in. Doing this by yourself can become quite the task. That’s why it’s important to hire a commercial cleaning service that will keep your office clean and work productivity up. 

InterKleen has been providing commercial cleaning services to South Florida for years and they know why it’s so important for all businesses to keep a clean workplace.

Improve First Impressions

Nothing is more important for any business than making a great first impression. Just by having a clean workplace, you show first-time clients and customers that you take good care of your business and that you’ll do the same for them. 

Today more than ever, it’s not only important to mold your business but also its image. A clean workplace and office show to outside viewers that you take care of your image and that you’re on the top of your game. 

Mirror’s the Company’s Brand

Cleanliness is one of the biggest aspects of how the outside world views your company or brand. An office that is clean and organized shows that a business owner is doing everything they can to make the brand image stand out. 

A Clean Workplace Means Better Productivity

A clean workplace is one of the best ways to boost productivity throughout the workday. The work environment is essential in making sure employees are ready to do their best. A workplace that is dirty or unkempt can decrease productivity.

Customers are going to be more attracted to a company that keeps their office clean and is committed to providing amazing work.

Reduce Callouts

It’s never a good sign when someone doesn’t like to be at work due to dirty bathrooms or dirty floors. These different factors can have a huge impact on productivity. These messy conditions can also be hazardous for employees and customers. Dirty workplaces can lead to numerous amounts of germs and respiratory infections.

Boost Morale

If the workplace is clean and tidy, it reduces the number of times employees spend cleaning or looking for a broom. Having a clean workplace can boost employee morale and productivity.  

Having a clean workplace is the best way to ensure employees are happy and ready to work.

Commercial Cleaning Services for a Clean Workplace

When it comes to having a clean workplace, there’s no better option than InterKleen. Our incredible commercial cleaning services will leave your office looking better than ever before. We know what it takes to make your workplace look amazing and keep employees happy. If you’re ready to get commercial cleaning services or you have any other questions, visit our contact page today. 


Tips That Will Help Keep Your Workplace Clean

Trying to create a workplace that people want to work in can take different aspects to be correct. One of those aspects is making sure that the area is clean and tidy. This is easier said than done since it takes time, effort, and resources to keep it clean. To assist, we thought it would be helpful to put a list together of practices that will help keep your workplace clean. 

InterKleen is a cleaning service that will keep your commercial building clean. Our vast knowledge of cleaning techniques helped us put together this list of cleaning tips.

Create a Cleaning Routine

While it may seem like a basic step, creating a cleaning routine will make your workplace cleaner than ever before. The only true way to keep your workplace clean is to work towards it every day. This doesn’t mean you have to do a thorough cleaning every day. When the workday has ended or you have some free time, take time to pick up clutter or sweep large areas of debris to help keep the area looking fresh. 

If you want to go the extra mile, you can vacuum, mop, or even dust your space regularly.

Limit Food and Drinks to One Area

When a client or customer enters an establishment, they want to see a clean and tidy area. Seeing wrappers, drink stains, and crumbs everywhere can give a bad first impression. Waste from food and drinks can also attract outside pests such as ants and flies. Keeping food in one area, like a break room or dining area, can help keep such messes confined to one area. Doing this also keeps cleanup easier as it’s all in one area. 

Keep Your Workplace Clean With Improved Air Quality

While it may seem like an odd way to keep your workplace clean, improved air quality can go a long way. Improving air quality can be done by installing air purifiers and making sure the HVAC equipment is well maintained. When mother nature allows it, opening blinds and windows can help provide natural light and ventilation. 

Placing plants around an office area can also make it seem more clean and natural, while also cleaning the area inside the building. 

Hire a Professional Cleaning Team

Finally, we suggest hiring a professional cleaning company. Professional cleaning companies will provide the best cleaning as they have access to the best cleaning equipment and chemicals. Cleaning teams are also more experienced and know exactly what to do in order to keep an area clean and tidy. 

While hiring a professional cleaning company can seem like an expensive way to keep your workplace clean, the money and resources that would’ve gone towards cleaning can now go towards outside help. This will also help you direct all of your time and resources to what’s actually needed from your business.

Let InterKleen Keep Your Workplace Clean

If you’re trying to create the cleanest workplace possible, then hire the professional cleaning services that InterKleen has to offer. We provide reliable and affordable commercial cleaning services throughout South Florida. Contact us today through our contact page or call us at 

(561) 732-1818

How To Clean Your Office Right For The New Year

With 2021 winding down in the coming weeks, chances are your business is winding down with it—or maybe you’ve closed up shop until 2022 comes back around. Whatever the situation may be, chances are it’s been a while that your office has experienced a deep clean. With companies reintegrating their teams back into their office throughout 2021, standardized cleaning procedures have been put in place, but there hasn’t been a truly deep cleanse. Before 2022 rolls around, consider the following tips to ensure that your office is ready for the team when they arrive in 2022.

Reduce Clutter

Over the year, clutter tends to slowly but surely rise throughout the office. From empty boxes to decor, and old computers or stacks of papers that nobody’s looked at in months. It’s time to trash anything that’s not critically important to the operational status of the business. Old and unnecessary documents should be shredded, and any records of value should be saved in storage. 

Have Employees Maintain Their Space

It’s hard to tell what’s important to your employees and what’s trashable, so we recommend implementing a steady cleaning schedule so they can clean down their own station or office. Prior to them leaving the office for an extended period of time, have them take home anything that they’re no longer using to continue reducing the overall clutter. Employees can be in charge of wiping down and maintaining their entire station weekly. This will lead to less heavy cleaning required throughout the year and make it far more manageable when the end of the year cleaning comes.

Hire A Professional Cleaning Company 

Once you’ve managed to clear away all the clutter and every employee’s personal space is maintained, it’s time to bring in a professional cleaning company to handle your end of the year cleaning for the entire office. Deep cleaning the office can provide you with both a sense of pride and peace of mind, knowing that your office is spotless for when the team comes back. Professional cleaning teams utilize a variety of heavy duty equipment designed to really remove any layered in dirt and gunk that’s been caked in over the years.

Having a stunning office for everyone’s return will boost morale and provide your employees with an environment that they feel comfortable in, especially with the COVID-19 pandemic still looming overhead. Additionally, having a space void of any clutter or unnecessary materials will lighten the load on everyone returning, boosting overall productivity through the opening months of the new year.

If you’ve been searching for a commercial cleaning company you can count on for your New Year cleaning, contact InterKleen today. We specialize in deep office space cleaning throughout South Florida. To receive a quote on our end of year office cleaning, contact us online or give us a call at (561) 732-1818 and a team member will be more than happy to assist!

How To Have The Best Winter Cleaning

The winter months mean holidays with friends and family and staying inside more to avoid the cold weather. This means you’ve probably begun preparing for the colder months, but have you thought about winter cleaning? A proper winter cleaning isn’t something that should be overlooked. Interkleen wants to make sure everything is taken care of. Below, you’ll find tips that will make you enjoy the indoor environment as much as possible. If you’re looking to have a commercial property cleaned, we can help with that too!


Check The Furnace System

If you’re farther up north, you most likely have a furnace system. It’s a smart idea to check the system for dust and debris as a large build-up can result in a fire when turned on. For people in South Florida, it’s a smart idea to change your air filters and clean our vents and air ducts. Not only is there a risk of starting a fire, but when the heater is turned on, it can burn the dust and debris creating a burning smell throughout the house. 


Clear Out Clutter

Clutter can seem to appear out of nowhere at times. Over time, things get left somewhere and you forget about it. There’s no better time to remove that clutter than during the winter months. Removing clutter makes the rest of your winter cleaning much easier. With less clutter, you’ll be able to move around easier and clean every surface possible. Some tips for removing clutter include:

  • If you haven’t used it in over a year, get rid of it
  • Create three bins labeled keep, donate, throw away.
  • Start small
  • Work with family to make it go quicker
  • Donate toys that are no longer needed
  • Remove clothes you haven’t worn or have outgrown


Have Dryer Vents Cleaned

While lint traps can collect a bulk of lint found in dryers, lint will still build up in the dryer’s hoses. Like other debris, a buildup of lint can create a serious fire hazard. It can also severely reduce the air quality in your home. Having a professional do this is the best way to know it is truly clean.


Deep Clean Your Kitchen

During the winter months, you’re probably doing a lot more cooking than usual. Using the kitchen more means more of a mess than usual. The kitchen should see some love during your winter cleaning. Make sure to clean all of the major appliances including the oven, stove, and refrigerator. Make sure to get in between and behind appliances as well as food can often fall behind them without ever noticing. Since you’ll be cleaning the pantry and refrigerator, it’s a smart idea to check for any expired food. A clean kitchen will make staying indoors a much better time for everyone.


Clean Your Windows

The cooler weather will make smears and dirt on glass much more noticeable. Cleaner windows will allow more light to shine through, making the daytime more pleasant. 


Interkleen Wants To Help!

By thoroughly cleaning your home as winter approaches, you and your family will enjoy their time spent indoors much more. If you have an office building or commercial property that needs cleaning, contact the professional team at Interkleen today.