Category Archives: Commercial Cleaning

How Office Cleanliness Can Boost Business Credibility

How Office Cleanliness Can Boost Business Credibility

When it comes to running a successful business, first impressions are everything. As the saying goes, “you only get one chance to make a good first impression.” The cleanliness of your office is a key component in making that all-important first impression. Not only that, but a clean office can have a direct impact on your business’s credibility and bottom line.

At InterKleen, we understand the importance of clean and organized office space. That’s why we offer professional office cleaning services to businesses of all sizes. We believe that a clean office can boost business credibility and help companies succeed. We’re going to explore the many ways that office cleanliness can boost business credibility and why investing in professional office cleaning services is a smart move for any business.


First Impressions Matter

As we mentioned earlier, first impressions are everything. When a potential customer, client, or partner walks into your office, they’re going to form an opinion of your business within seconds. A dirty, cluttered office can give the impression that your business is unprofessional and untrustworthy. On the other hand, a clean, organized office can give the impression that your business is reliable, trustworthy, and successful.


Boost Employee Morale

A dirty and cluttered office can be a major source of stress for employees. When they’re surrounded by clutter and mess, it can be hard to focus and be productive. A clean office, on the other hand, can boost employee morale and productivity. A study conducted by the University of Arizona has shown that a clean office environment can lead to a 15% increase in productivity among employees.


A Clean Office Can Help With a Brand Image

Your office is an extension of your brand. It’s a physical representation of your business. If your office is dirty and cluttered, it’s going to reflect poorly on your brand. A clean and organized office, on the other hand, can help to build your brand’s image and reputation.


Increase Customer Satisfaction

When customers visit your office, they want to feel comfortable and welcome. A dirty and cluttered office can make customers feel uneasy and uncomfortable. A clean office, on the other hand, can make customers feel at ease and more likely to do business with you.


Help With Employee Health

A dirty and cluttered office can be a breeding ground for germs and bacteria. This can lead to increased absenteeism among employees due to illness. A clean office can help to reduce the spread of germs and bacteria and keep employees healthy.


Investing in Professional Office Cleaning Services

Investing in professional office cleaning services is a smart move for any business. At InterKleen, we offer a wide range of office cleaning services, including daily cleaning, deep cleaning, and special event cleaning. Our team of professional cleaners is trained and experienced in the latest cleaning techniques and technologies. We use high-quality, eco-friendly cleaning products that are safe for your employees and the environment.

Our office cleaning services can be customized to meet your specific needs. We understand that every business is different and has different cleaning needs. We’ll work with you to create a cleaning plan that meets your budget and your schedule. We offer flexible scheduling options, including after-hours cleaning, so that our cleaning services won’t disrupt your business operations.

Office cleanliness can have a direct impact on a business’s credibility and bottom line. A clean office can make a great first impression on potential customers, clients, and partners. It can boost employee morale, help with brand image, and increase customer satisfaction. A dirty and cluttered office, on the other hand, can have the opposite effect. If you want your office to impress anyone that walks in, contact InterKleen today and schedule an office cleaning appointment today.

The Importance of a Clean Workplace for all Businesses

Just because a business has been established and constructed, doesn’t mean that’s the end of it. The responsibilities only increase once the company is in service and one of the responsibilities of a business owner is making sure their employees have a clean workplace to work in. Doing this by yourself can become quite the task. That’s why it’s important to hire a commercial cleaning service that will keep your office clean and work productivity up. 

InterKleen has been providing commercial cleaning services to South Florida for years and they know why it’s so important for all businesses to keep a clean workplace.

Improve First Impressions

Nothing is more important for any business than making a great first impression. Just by having a clean workplace, you show first-time clients and customers that you take good care of your business and that you’ll do the same for them. 

Today more than ever, it’s not only important to mold your business but also its image. A clean workplace and office show to outside viewers that you take care of your image and that you’re on the top of your game. 

Mirror’s the Company’s Brand

Cleanliness is one of the biggest aspects of how the outside world views your company or brand. An office that is clean and organized shows that a business owner is doing everything they can to make the brand image stand out. 

A Clean Workplace Means Better Productivity

A clean workplace is one of the best ways to boost productivity throughout the workday. The work environment is essential in making sure employees are ready to do their best. A workplace that is dirty or unkempt can decrease productivity.

Customers are going to be more attracted to a company that keeps their office clean and is committed to providing amazing work.

Reduce Callouts

It’s never a good sign when someone doesn’t like to be at work due to dirty bathrooms or dirty floors. These different factors can have a huge impact on productivity. These messy conditions can also be hazardous for employees and customers. Dirty workplaces can lead to numerous amounts of germs and respiratory infections.

Boost Morale

If the workplace is clean and tidy, it reduces the number of times employees spend cleaning or looking for a broom. Having a clean workplace can boost employee morale and productivity.  

Having a clean workplace is the best way to ensure employees are happy and ready to work.

Commercial Cleaning Services for a Clean Workplace

When it comes to having a clean workplace, there’s no better option than InterKleen. Our incredible commercial cleaning services will leave your office looking better than ever before. We know what it takes to make your workplace look amazing and keep employees happy. If you’re ready to get commercial cleaning services or you have any other questions, visit our contact page today. 


How To Clean Your Office Right For The New Year

With 2021 winding down in the coming weeks, chances are your business is winding down with it—or maybe you’ve closed up shop until 2022 comes back around. Whatever the situation may be, chances are it’s been a while that your office has experienced a deep clean. With companies reintegrating their teams back into their office throughout 2021, standardized cleaning procedures have been put in place, but there hasn’t been a truly deep cleanse. Before 2022 rolls around, consider the following tips to ensure that your office is ready for the team when they arrive in 2022.

Reduce Clutter

Over the year, clutter tends to slowly but surely rise throughout the office. From empty boxes to decor, and old computers or stacks of papers that nobody’s looked at in months. It’s time to trash anything that’s not critically important to the operational status of the business. Old and unnecessary documents should be shredded, and any records of value should be saved in storage. 

Have Employees Maintain Their Space

It’s hard to tell what’s important to your employees and what’s trashable, so we recommend implementing a steady cleaning schedule so they can clean down their own station or office. Prior to them leaving the office for an extended period of time, have them take home anything that they’re no longer using to continue reducing the overall clutter. Employees can be in charge of wiping down and maintaining their entire station weekly. This will lead to less heavy cleaning required throughout the year and make it far more manageable when the end of the year cleaning comes.

Hire A Professional Cleaning Company 

Once you’ve managed to clear away all the clutter and every employee’s personal space is maintained, it’s time to bring in a professional cleaning company to handle your end of the year cleaning for the entire office. Deep cleaning the office can provide you with both a sense of pride and peace of mind, knowing that your office is spotless for when the team comes back. Professional cleaning teams utilize a variety of heavy duty equipment designed to really remove any layered in dirt and gunk that’s been caked in over the years.

Having a stunning office for everyone’s return will boost morale and provide your employees with an environment that they feel comfortable in, especially with the COVID-19 pandemic still looming overhead. Additionally, having a space void of any clutter or unnecessary materials will lighten the load on everyone returning, boosting overall productivity through the opening months of the new year.

If you’ve been searching for a commercial cleaning company you can count on for your New Year cleaning, contact InterKleen today. We specialize in deep office space cleaning throughout South Florida. To receive a quote on our end of year office cleaning, contact us online or give us a call at (561) 732-1818 and a team member will be more than happy to assist!

How To Prevent Your Team Getting Sick This Winter

As winter approaches, so does the seasonal flu alongside the looming COVID-19 pandemic. Our immune systems become weaker as they try to regulate against the lowered temperatures, which can lead to people getting sicker much easier. Unfortunately, your office can be a breeding ground for bacteria to linger, leading to you losing team members this winter. This winter, help combat the seasonal flus and the spread of COVID-19 by establishing some rules and following some of these tips to keep everyone safe and healthy all the way through Spring.

Make It A Habit To Wash Your Hands

A tip that works well all year long and should be a habit of everyone in the office, washing your hands can make a serious difference in the transmission of bacterias and viruses that can thrive in the winter months. The Center For Disease Control (CDC) recommends the the following steps to ensure a good wash to keep everyone safe:

  • Wash regularly with warm water and soap throughout the day. Don’t dry hands with a cloth towel, use paper towels when available. 
  • Wash hands immediately and thoroughly after using the bathroom or kitchen, as these communal areas can be areas teeming with bacteria.
  • Wash hands after coming into any contact with bodily fluids—even yours. 
  • Keep an alcohol based hand sanitizer near you at all times in the event soap and water aren’t readily available. 

Keep Personal and Communal Areas Sanitized

Keeping the office clean from top to bottom can be a difficult task, but when everyone works together to avoid getting sick this Winter it can make it far more manageable. Employees should be educated on how to properly clean, disinfect, and sanitize their own areas so they can avoid the buildup of harmful bacteria & viruses in their own area. Additionally, communal areas should be regularly cleaned to avoid the regular bacterial buildup from the amount of foot traffic. This will significantly reduce the transmission of any harmful viruses and bacteria through the winter months and beyond. 

Educate Staff On Coughing Etiquette

Coughing, sneezing, and clearing your throat are natural functions of the body and are perfectly normal, you don’t have to be sick. However, these actions can quickly disperse bacteria to other people and can get coworkers sick if you’re carrying a virus but asymptomatic. Reduce the transmission of airborne pathogens by coughing and sneezing by following these tips from the CDC:

  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue whenever possible, and trash the tissue immediately.
  • If you don’t have tissues, cover your mouth and nose with your hands or cough/sneeze directly into the crook of your elbow, and wash your hands immediately after. 

By following these tips, you can help do your part in reducing the potential spread of bacteria and viruses in the office to your coworkers. InterKleen can assist in all your janitorial needs to keep your office space bacteria free all year long. Learn more how we can assist by contacting us online or giving us a call at (561) 732-1818 today!

Advantages of Waxing Floors

Ever wondered about the miracles of waxing floors? Or why do people recommend doing it? Often, many people will think that by just sweeping and mopping their floor, they’re maintaining and protecting it. While this is a good start, it doesn’t do much in the long run for protecting their floors.

Waxing floors is the best way to guarantee your floors will look brand new and keep their durability.

Waxing is a floor finishing process that can be done with either a clear or colored wax. Once the thin layer of wax has been applied to the floor, it is then buffed and eventually hardens into a beautiful and sturdy seal.

The process should always be done with the correct type of wax depending on the floor material. Our professional waxing team at InterKleen will make sure this is always taken care of. Liquid and solid paste waxes are the two most common types of wax used in the process. Liquid makes application easy and is ideal for cork or timber surfaces. Solid paste wax takes much more time to apply but lasts much longer and provides a much deeper shine than liquid. 

We know about the process and background of waxing floors, but what advantages will it bring? Let’s look at the benefits:


  • Stain Resistance: A wax seal applied to your floors means spills are no longer a threat. If you’ve ever had to deal with a stained floor, you know how challenging it can be to remove it. Wax will make sure this doesn’t happen, but it is best to clean any spills on the wax immediately. 


  • Floop Lifespan: Wax creates a protective layer on your floors, which means the threat of damage and general wear are significantly decreased. Waxed floors have the potential to last many years compared to unwaxed floors.


  • Hide The Imperfections: Those small little scratches and dings can be the most annoying sometimes. Thankfully, wax does an amazing job of covering those up. Wax will fill those minor imperfections and make sure your floors look phenomenal.


  • Looks Professional: Damaged and unkept floors in an office building can leave a bad taste in customer’s mouths. This can’t be helped as these buildings often see lots of foot traffic each day. While general maintenance can help, nothing fixes this problem like waxing floors. Wax is durable and makes sure to give your office an even more professional appearance.


Businesses and homes that want their floors to look as good as the day they got them, it’s time to reach out to the professionals at InterKleen. InterKleen’s floor waxing team will make sure to leave your floors looking brand new. Visit our contact page or call us now at 561-732-1818.

What Does a Commercial Cleaner Do?

Your business place is where you meet and host clients and where your staff spends 40 hours (sometimes more) per week. For this reason, it is essential that you keep it clean and are able to handle the business of a normal day. You want to be able to impress clients, maintain property value, and keep everyone on task instead of worrying about a mess. It could be a responsibility of a worker to maintain organization at their desks, but office employees may not be able to handle taking care of the recycling or taking out the trash, or even cleaning out the fridge when another person has caused a mess.

You need to think about the areas that are in your office space or commercial area that may need to be cleaned. First off, you need to ensure that your storefront is clean and inviting for clients and customers at the door. Commercial cleaners can handle mopping and vacuuming, waxing floors, dusting, and even sanitizing the bathroom that may be there for clients to use. By being able to maintain this space, the company will need to send a message that appearance matters to you and that you are wanting your clients to feel at home when they are on your clean property.

Secondly, you want to ensure that you are maintaining your workspace. Commercial cleaners will take out your trash, clean the floors, sanitize the bathrooms as well as eating spaces, and will do other types of light cleaning on a regular basis. You may also invest in other services on a frequent basis, including equipment and technology dusting as well as window cleaning.

Then you will need to think about the supplies and how your company will deal with the cleaning process. Many companies will bring their own supplies, materials, as well as equipment which include the chemicals that are used to clean the office. If you have any special requirements, then talk to the cleaning service to understand if they are able to meet your needs.

Why Your Business Needs Commercial Cleaning Services.

Impress Existing and Potential Clients 

They say first impressions last. So, when a potential client steps into your business premises, the cleanliness (or lack thereof) of your offices will play a big role in shaping what this person thinks of you. If your office is dirty, this will never make a good impression. 

If customers walk into a dirty and unkempt office they can be turned off and potentially take their business elsewhere. However, if your offices are pristine, it gives off a good impression and it shows that your business is professional.

Commercial Cleaning Ensures a Safe and Healthy Work Environment.

Another reason to consider commercial office cleaning is that it will promote a happy and healthy work environment. There have been a number of studies that have shown that the working environment has a huge impact on productivity levels. Do you think your employees are going to be productive if your offices are dirty? The simple answer is no. A dirty working environment can also lead to increased illnesses and sick days from employees who suffer from conditions such as Asthma and Sinusitis. 

Hiring a commercial cleaner is the logical way to help keep your Palm Beach County commercial office clean. It is important that you keep your office free of dirt, dust, and other allergens which could have an adverse impact on the health of your workforce. Therefore, by hiring a commercial cleaner, you have a much greater chance of keeping your absentee levels to a minimum.

Hiring a Commercial Cleaning Company Ensures Long-Term Cost Savings.

Many less competent office cleaning companies perform only the most basic cleaning process. Dust lingers on top of cabinets, shelves, on blinds, and in harder-to-reach areas. Furniture covered with fabric emits dust and odors. Maintaining your office should include keeping furniture, shelving, desks, floors, and other areas free from dust, dirt, and contaminants. A high-quality cleaning helps avoid carpets that become heavily stained and damaged, with deeply ingrained dirt that can only be resolved by installing new carpet at high expense. The savings can be significant in the long-term, and at InterKleen, we offer the best commercial cleaning rates in West Palm Beach and Boca Raton. 

Frees Up Your Storage Space.

If you have a closet or storage space that is earmarked for the storage of cleaning supplies, it can emptied be used for a more useful purpose. At InterKleen, our team of professional commercial cleaners arrives with all the equipment and cleaning products they need to get the job done. Empty out your cleaning closet, and use it to store something that is more useful to your enterprise. No more buckets, sprays, smelly mops, dusty brooms, and dirty dush cloths.

Hire The Best Commercial Cleaning Company In Palm Beach County

Have you been searching for commercial cleaning services near me but have yet to find a good commercial cleaning service? Well, look no further than the commercial cleaning specialists at InterKleen. When you are in need of commercial cleaning in Palm Beach County and its surroundings call the commercial cleaning pros at Interkleen. We will design a custom cleaning plan that fits your needs and budget and keep your commercial office looking clean and sparkling. Give us a call at (561) 732-1818 or visit our contact page today.

How to Clean Your Office For Staff Returning To Work After COVID-19

What a crazy year and a half it has been. We have all felt the effects of Covid-19 and life as we know it will never really be the same. We all had to make changes to our routines. From wearing masks to practicing social distancing, our new norm was anything but normal.

For businesses, the most drastic change was having to move their staffing operations to a work from home model. With the lifting of gathering restrictions, companies have started to return to in-office working.  Some companies work with proprietary systems or with sensitive materials that require employees, or shifts of workers, to be on-premise to get their job done.

With people returning to work, companies are tasked with making the workplace clean and welcoming to staff.  At InterKleen we want to help everyone stay healthy in the office while sharing common workspaces. With that in mind here are some tips on how to clean your office for your return to work.

Commercial Cleaning Services Delray Beach

Clean Common Areas Before Disinfecting

Always clean before beginning disinfection. Cleaning with a detergent or soap and water solution removes particles that can carry risk of COVID-19 on surfaces. This reduces the viral load before disinfection begins, which helps the disinfectant to be more effective in killing the remaining virus.

Wear Proper Cleaning Equipment

Use disposable gloves, gowns, a mask (like a cloth face covering) for cleaning and disinfection. Carefully remove and throw them away immediately after disinfection and trash disposal.

Frequent Cleaning of High Touch Areas

Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces daily in common areas (e.g. tables, hard-backed chairs, doorknobs, light switches, phone receivers and keypads, remotes, handles, touchscreens, desks, toilets, sinks, elevator, and elevator buttons, etc).

Offices are home to many sources of air contamination, including volatile organic compounds (from cleaning agents, furniture, and other materials), and bacteria, mold, and viruses. Poor ventilation exacerbates the presence of these contaminants.

To maintain healthy indoor environments as you phase employees back into the office, facilities need to concentrate on plumbing, ventilation, and filtration systems that filter, dilute, and remove pathogens. When looking into improving your office’s filtration system, focus on the minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV), a number from 1 and 16 that is relative to an air filter’s efficiency based on particle size.

Hire a Cleaning Company To Sanitize Your Office

While you may be able to handle the normal light cleaning it is a great idea to leave the heavy-duty cleaning to the pros. Before your staff comes back to your Palm Beach County office, have a professional cleaning company such as InterKleen come in and clean the office from top to bottom.

Commercial and Janitorial Cleaning Services for Offices

InterKleen provides top-notch and reliable office cleaning services in Palm Beach County, FL. We provide small office buildings, business parks and corporate campuses with optimal cleaning services. Our services are delivered to satisfy and impress our clients. When you’re ready to work with the best commercial cleaning company in Palm Beach county give us a call at (561) 732-1818 or visit our contact page.


How To Prepare Your Commercial Kitchen To Pass a Sanitation Audit

City and State food inspectors perform random, unannounced visits for the sole purpose of audits. These audits happen once per year, sometimes even more frequently. Given the fact that they are random, it is always best practice to always be ready for an inspection. The best strategy to get a passing grade is to always be ready for the inspection.  “Stay ready so you don’t have to get ready”.

Here are some of the ways you can prepare your Palm Beach Commercial kitchen for a successful inspection and avoid being featured on dirty dining or even worse, cause foodborne illness to your patrons.

Make a Kitchen Cleaning Checklist and Check It Twice

Thorough and regular cleaning of the kitchen is key to averting a failed inspection. Bacteria can proliferate if employees fail to clean ingredients, countertops, cooking utensils, and their hands frequently. If you want to maintain the high standard of cleanliness in your commercial kitchen, make a checklist detailing the sanitation tasks that must be finished by your staff during the working day and at the end of a shift. These lists usually include:

  • Sweeping, mopping, and sanitizing floors
  • Emptying trash bins daily and sanitize them
  • Sanitize all kitchen surfaces with food-grade cleaners
  • Clean kitchen equipment, such as stoves, fryers, grease traps, and grills
  • Changing the rags and sanitizing water frequently

Equally important to making this list is checking the completed cleaning tasks of the employees regularly to make sure they’re doing it correctly. Without your continued follow-up and the cooperation of your staff, it’s easy to overlook vital sanitation tasks, which could affect business operations once an inspector visits your establishment.

Hire a Professional Maintenance Company to Deep Clean Your Kitchen Exhaust Systems

The purpose of the exhaust hoods in a commercial kitchen is to gather airborne grease, which affects the quality of the food prepared in the kitchen and is also a fire hazard. Grease can trickle from the hood system onto the prepared dish, which may contaminate the food. Additionally, employees can no longer use cooking utensils and equipment with grease drippings on them.

Cleaning the exhaust hood system thoroughly is crucial to meeting sanitation inspection standards. You can achieve this goal by enlisting a professional that can properly execute the kitchen hood cleaning process and guarantee that your cooking area is both up to code and safe from fire.

Perform Regular Self-Inspections

Conducting unexpected self-inspections can also keep your commercial kitchen in line with the sanitation standards of your local health department. It’s a good idea to perform these inspections at different times. This way, workers will put more effort into adhering to the essential kitchen safety and health practices.

Administering surprise audits also alerts you on any reoccurring or common violations that occur in your kitchen, such as:

  • Food left unrefrigerated for too long
  • Ready-to-eat foods coming into contact with raw meat
  • Dirty utensils and cooking surfaces

When performing these self-inspections, check for common sanitation violations more frequently until the staff has solved the problem. On top of that, reward workers who can correct these violations quickly.

Hire the Right Cleaning Company for Your Commercial Kitchen

Keep your commercial kitchen in immaculate condition by teaming with the cleaning pros at InterKleen. We are ready to add your commercial kitchen to our list of satisfied clients. When you’re ready to work with the best commercial cleaning company in Palm Beach county give us a call at (561) 732-1818 or visit our contact page.

Night or Daytime Cleaning: Which is Better?

When you finally hire the right cleaning company to come to service your property, it can be difficult to choose between day and nighttime cleaning. Nighttime cleaning seems like the better choice for your commercial property, considering that there will be fewer interruptions for your employees to deal with. On the other hand, having the cleaning crew available during the daytime may not be a bad idea either, since they’ll be there to clean up messes immediately during business hours.

If you’re torn between choosing day and nighttime cleaning, then continue reading below to learn about the benefits of each.

Day and Nighttime Cleaning For Businesses

The Benefits of Daytime Cleaning

There are quite a few benefits to having a professional cleaning service come during the day. They include:

  • Improved Energy Efficiency
    • Lighting and maintaining the temperature of your property costs money. It can cost even more money when you need to ensure such factors persist at night with a cleaning crew present. With a cleaning crew present only during the day, your building will only be occupied during regular operating hours, allowing you to save on power.
  • Improved Response Time
    • The professional cleaners can arrive onsight early in the morning before most employees begin working so they minimize interruptions. Their early arrival can also make certain that a clean environment is prepared for the arrival of both employees and clients.
  • Better Nighttime Security
    • When you have cleaners in your property at night that can increase the potential for a security breach because exits and entrances will be unlocked. With a cleaning crew arriving during the day, you can feel more confident that unwanted parties will enter your grounds since more occupants will be present in your property.

The Benefits of Nighttime Cleaning

Although there are benefits to daytime cleaning, there are also benefits to nighttime cleaning as well. They include:

  • Less Interruptions
    • Even though cleaning staffs are trained not to interrupt occupants as much as possible, they can still cause interruptions. If you find that their presence during the day will cause your staff to work inefficiently, nighttime cleaning may be a better choice for you.
  • Improved Health and Safety
    • Although they are there to help clean, cleaning services can kick up some dust and other similar deposits up into the air, causing occupants to breathe in such pollutants and damage their well-being. If any of your staff is allergic to dust or anything else of the sort, nighttime cleaning would help to establish a safer interior for property occupants.

When You’ve Decided Between Day & Nighttime Cleaning, Call Interkleen

When you’ve finally decided between day and nighttime cleaning, feel free to call the professionals over at Interkleen today. Interkleen has provided its quality handiwork to countless patrons in the Palm Beach County area and we’re more than qualified to maintain your property. We can promise that with our work, you’ll be absolutely glad with the way your property looks as you’re forever added to our growing list of satisfied customers. For any inquiries regarding Interkleen’s services, you may call us at (561) 732-1818 or visit our contact page.

Advice For Choosing a Medical Office Cleaning Company

It’s vital that you keep your grounds maintained properly so that all occupants, including even your own staff, feel safe. But finding the right cleaning company can be a frustrating task, especially when you manage a medical facility that upholds high standards of cleanliness.  We here at Interkleen understand this the most as we’ve provided our quality services to numerous patrons, especially to those who manage hospitals, clinics, and other similar facilities. Below are some tips that you can use to help find the right medical office cleaning company.

How to Choose The Best Medical Office Cleaning Company

Look For Good Experience & References

When you’re seeking a cleaning company to help maintain your medical facility, look out for tremendous experience paired with plentiful references.  Especially look into such factors in companies that claim to offer medical facility maintenance.

Interkleen is well-regarded by numerous patrons of the Palm Beach County region for providing some of the best medical facility cleaning that no other service provider offers. Don’t believe us? feel free to get in contact with Interkleen and inquire about their experience and extensive list of clientele.

Make Sure They’re Knowledgeable

When looking into a cleaning company, ensure they’re knowledgeable about their products and methods. Doing so will guarantee that you’re choosing a company that will best disinfect and maintain your facility when needed. When asked they should be able to recommend and use the best products to suit your needs.

Willingness to Work

This sounds absurd as all cleaning companies should have a willingness to work but make sure you choose a service that will work with you in case of changes or emergencies.

You’ll never what will happen at your facility, so make sure the company you look into can be on call for emergency clean-ups and are also comfortable cleaning if you make any office changes or updates.


A cleaning service that’s thorough is one that will make sure your facility is completely clean. The medical cleaning company you hire should pay close attention to each room and waiting area of your property and even other areas that will need special care.


Just because a cleaning service is cheap doesn’t necessarily mean they’re the best choice. A low cost is often associated with a low-quality service, so it’s often best to stray away from such. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you should look for one that’s expensive. Generally, you should choose one that has affordable rates and is qualified enough to clean your medical facility.

Need a Reliable & Trustworthy Medical Cleaning Company? Call Interkleen Today!

If you need the best medical cleaning company in all of Palm Beach County, look no further than Interkleen. Interkleen possesses 20+ years’ worth of experience in the maintenance of numerous different facilities, including medical centers. Moreover, our company also possesses all the aforementioned traits mentioned in this article. For any inquiries regarding Interkleen’s services, you may call us at (561) 732-1818 or visit our contact page.