Tag Archives: Flu Prevention

How School Cleaning Can Help Flu Prevention Efforts

Prepare For Flu Season With A Deep cleaning From InterKleen

Flu season is in full force and teachers and school staff are taking serious flu prevention efforts. Many children are careless about their own hygiene, leaving their classmates and teachers to pay the price. It’s no fun when these germs are brought home and spread to family and friends. A professional school cleaning company like InterKleen can keep the flu germs at bay.

Interkleen’s janitorial services take flu prevention to the next level. We can help your school limit the spread of the flu with our routine cleaning, disinfecting, and sanitizing. Our flu prevention practices are more than sufficient to remove or kill any bacteria.  

Interkleen Stops The Flu Virus Before It Spreads

The flu virus can live and potentially infect a person for up to 48 hours. Interkleen’s school cleaning targets areas and objects children are most likely to place their hands and mouth on. Routine daily sanitization of desks, countertops, doorknobs, computers, keyboards, faucets, phones, toys, etc. will keep the classroom germ-free for teachers and students.

What You Can Do To Help Prevent the Flu

All year long, but most especially during flu season, it is essential to thoroughly wash your hands. Sanitizer alone is not as effective as a thorough hand scrub. It is recommended to wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and hot water. Avoid touching your face at all costs. Viruses attack your body by entering through moist surfaces of your eyes, nose, and mouth.

Hydration Is Key

When your body is not properly hydrated, the moist surfaces of your skin and body become dry. These entry points for the flu virus, such as eyes, nose, and mouth are at their weakest when they are dry. Two liters of water a day along with the use of a humidifier at home, work, and school will help prevent the flu. Even just a cup of water sitting on your desk can work as an ambient humidifier.

During flu season, the health and safety of students and staff is the main priority. Flu prevention is essential to ensure that students and teachers are protected and able to do their jobs: teaching and learning. If you are looking for the best school cleaning company then contact us at 561.732.1818 to start flu prevention services today.